Dance & Movement

To embody their human-ness

Expressing stories through

Holding space for wild & free souls

Hannah Grace is a performer and performance-maker who works at the intersection of art and holistic healing. As an early-career creative based in London, she uses her backgrounds in dance, theatre, song, meditation, energy healing and hypnotherapy to create distinctive live performance works centred around healing in all its forms. Her work is brave, unapologetic, and aims to explore how audiences may be pushed to a new edge and come into a deeper relation with themselves through individual and shared experience.

Hannah was born in the USA and grew up dancing, singing and performing all her life. She has been a part of activist art collectives across the United States, Mexico and Europe since the age of 19 and has travelled the world teaching and performing in live art projects, recently completing an MA in Dance Performance from London Contemporary Dance School. She holds 400 hrs of accredited yoga teacher training, is a reiki healer, a hypnotherapist, an Inner Voice Facilitator and is currently training to become a birth doula.


Work with Hannah




Hannah's biggest passion in life is dance, and she loves to work alongside other movers as a performer, choreographer, director and assistant.

Hannah is an intuitive healer who helps people connect to the deepest, truest part of themselves. She creates personalized sessions that cater to clients' specific needs.

Hannah's deep knowledge of the body and movement allow her to create dance and yoga classes that create an environment of safe inner discovery for all her students.



Hannah's Newsletter